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Wicked Billionaire Page 7

  Shock and rage nail me to the floor.

  “I can practically read it on their happy little faces. It’s only a matter of time before I catch them. There are only so many places to screw on a boat.”

  The other voice speaks again.

  “Hell, no. Havana has no idea. It’s a closed loop, a perfect setup.” He pauses. “Yeah, she’s really my niece. She’s my brother’s kid, but my brother is an asshole. She got her mother’s looks, and probably every bit as bitchy. Desperate, too. I haven’t spoken to her in years, but she still took the first table scrap I dropped in front of her. They’re always trying to get their grubby hands in my pockets.”

  My fists ball at my sides and I spend a few seconds controlling my breathing. I want to be sure I handle this properly.

  The bar is mostly deserted, with the families in bed and the partiers all clustering together in a livelier spot. Richard is so oblivious to his surroundings that his face falls in shock when I appear at their table. His companion is someone I don’t know, not with our group. But odds are good it’s someone from the unnamed company Richard suggested was trying poach our market share. Looks like he had firsthand info about that.

  “It takes a real bottom feeder to set up your own niece.” My voice rings out across the room, almost as loud as Richard’s.

  The two men at the table look up at me. Richard is much older, and neither of them look fit. They glance at my fists, still clenched at my sides.

  “You never bothered to even know her, but I guess that’s why using her as a fucking chess piece didn’t bother you at all.” A couple people passing by stop to peer in curiously. “Thanks for all that good advice about resisting temptation. I’ll think about that next time I see you with yet another pretty woman half your age. I guess they get what they can and get out, eh? You aren’t good enough to kiss Havana’s shoes, and if I ever hear you shit-talking about her again, I will absolutely kick your ass.”

  Richard sputters and pushes on the table, but falls clumsily back into his seat.

  “And the beautiful part of this, Richard, is that this whole pathetic scheme is useless. Don’t bother drawing up your better-luck-next-time speech to tell me I didn’t get the contract after all. I don’t need it. My company doesn’t need to do business with a man like you. But I have to thank you, because Havana is worth all of this trouble.” I rest my fists on the table and shove my face closer.

  “She’s hardworking, smarter than you, and she’s nobody’s pawn. You can call it whatever you want, but I’m in love with her, so you can suck it. When this project is over, I’m offering her a job at my company as soon as our feet hit land, whether we you sign the contract or not.”

  The other dude, a squirrelly little guy, sinks lower in his seat. I’m feeling reckless, since I just scuttled the deal. That might be why I say the next part out loud instead of keeping it in my head where I meant for it to stay.

  “And if she’ll accept it, I’ll offer her more than just a job.”

  Richard slaps a hand on the table and manages to sway to his feet. He opens his mouth to tell me off, and then stops, looking over my shoulder.

  Havana’s heels click on the floor as she strides toward us, her face a thundercloud. Squirrelly dude squeezes out of the booth and straight up flees the scene. My goddess is the avenging kind now, and I love this side of her as much as the others.

  “What, uh, what did you hear?” Richard stammers.

  “Everything. Honestly, Uncle Richard. A honey trap? Thanks for telling me what you really think.”

  “Havana, it’s not really like that. This is business, sweetie. Sometimes we say things that don’t mean anything.”

  “Nope. That’s really not how normal people act. You know, I live in the world and run a business of my own. I never asked you for anything, and I never will. I hope it gives you heartburn to see me doing a good job. But like Jet said, I do owe something to you and your sad little scheme.”

  I honestly don’t know what comes next.

  I’m standing there with my mouth hanging open, looking almost as much the fool as Richard. Havana has every right to be angry with me. I acted like an ass, and I don’t expect anything from her. But her arms wind around my neck, and I’m not going to remind her I fucked up. I’m gonna take the gift the ocean has offered me tonight.

  Right there in front of Richard and a thoroughly entertained bartender, she pulls me to her. Our mouths meet in a chaste kiss that started for effect, but ignites at a touch. Seeking more of her, I sweep my tongue over the seam of her lips, and they part to let me in.

  Her body presses to mine, and my cock swells in response. The relief that I didn’t lose her paints the world around me in sharper colors. Into our kiss, I pour my apology, my heart, and my hope. She responds almost fiercely, and I weave my hands in her soft hair. Some smartass passing by yells “Get a room,” and we pull apart, breathing heavily.

  I take her hand and raise it to my lips. “How about it?”

  Her smile is my answer, and we turn to go.

  She jumps back with a start. Both of us forgot Richard entirely. He’s sort of wedged between the table and booth, unable to slip away because we blocked the way. He was trapped there, watching us make out in public, while his ears turned red. Havana giggles, and it sets me off. I tug on her hand, drawing her away from Richard’s pathetic grimace.

  Chapter Eight

  Passengers sulk around the ship on disembarkation morning, listlessly dragging wheeled suitcases and bickering over petty details. The scent of aloe and sunscreen fills the balmy morning air. No one is eager to leave, least of all me.

  After the blowout with Richard, Havana and I no longer had to sneak around. A few of the Smooth Sail guests whispered the first day we showed up as a couple, but no one really cared. Chalk one up for cruise magic. We held hands and danced close, and people acted as if they’d known all along. Maybe they did. Richard’s bombshell fizzled without even a wisp of smoke. And instead of taking off the thrill, being able to claim Havana as mine made our sex hotter. It was a best of both worlds scenario.

  He hasn’t spoken to either of us since that night, though I’d get an occasional note through email if someone made a request directly to him. The rest of Smooth Sail remained as friendly as before; if anyone knew of Richard’s trick, they hid it well. The entire group surprised us with thank-you notes and a cake on the last night, and we laughed and danced until I couldn’t wait any longer to take her to bed. Richard had excused himself earlier, but Jenny stayed.

  In the final hour, Havana and I chat amiably with Gabe and Viv in a seahorse-themed lounge. A last round of shipboard drinks sits in front of us, and my arm rests across the back of the leather booth. Havana leans against me, the most relaxed I’ve ever seen her.

  “That golf resort in Veracruz was top notch, man,” Gabe says. “Thanks for hooking us up.”

  Viv laughs. “I visited the Korean spa at least four times on this trip. Havana, what have you done? I’m hooked. And I found out I am born to cruise. Gabe, I expect a cruise for every anniversary from now on. Maybe birthdays, too.” She winks at Gabe, who predictably groans. However, he grins into his drink.

  Havana leans in close. “I hear Bob found a lady friend.”

  “He did!” Viv crows. “Who’d have imagined Bob Simon capable of a shipboard romance?”

  I squeeze Havana’s thigh under the table. They say ocean romances don’t last on land, but I’ve no doubts about ours. She presses her leg against mine. We understand each other.

  “Richard is the final say, but if you don’t get this contract, it’s criminal,” Viv continues. “I don’t know what possessed you to include a vacation in your negotiations, but thank you. Smooth Sail’s bottom line can only benefit from this relationship.”

  “I really appreciate that Viv. Honestly, this was a great experience for me too.” I shoot Havana a smile. “But if it doesn’t work out, we’ll keep moving forward. Cruises are a different animal than the traditi
onal hotel, and however this shakes out, I’m glad I had this firsthand look. It’ll inform how we plan and accommodate packages at our hotels.”

  My fingers trail over Havana’s shoulder. My office put together the skeleton of this trip, but she’s responsible for the sinews and muscle that made the whole thing work. And if she sticks with me, this project will move ahead. With or without Smooth Sail and Richard Mannerin.

  Our group number blares over the PA system, and people clutch at purses and bags. Havana and I stand on opposite sides of the exit, shaking hands and thanking the guests as they leave. One final courtesy to leave a pleasant taste. As I smile and wave at the last of them, the hair on my neck prickles, and I look over to see Richard looming at my side. His face puckers like he took a bite of something foul.

  “My people are happy, I have to admit,” he says without preamble. “You did a good job, Jet. My partner and I founded Smooth Sail in 1979, and we know cruises. It takes a lot to impress me, but I’m impressed, dammit.”

  “Thank you, Richard. That’s high praise.” I’m polite but cautious. This man is as shady as they come.

  He shakes his head and plows on. “For the last three days, I’ve been hearing nothing but people screaming at me to give you this contract. My employees like you, and my shareholders like your track record.”

  He shoves a leather folder at me. I take it reflexively and open it. I flip through the papers, which appear to be the preliminary documents, signed, that will grant Encompass Regency Hotels an exclusive partnership with Smooth Sail.

  I glance at him, eyebrows raised skeptically, and he clears his throat.

  “You’ll do a better job than Eastward Hotels,” he says gruffly. This is probably the closest to an apology the man has come since he was grade school.

  “I—ah—well I’m a little surprised, but I’m pleased that Smooth Sail is ready to accept our offer.” I close the folder with a snap. At this point, I’m not sure I still want to work with this asshole, so I make sure to avoid making any kind of verbal commitment. “I’ll look these over and be in touch.”

  I expect this to be the end of it, but Richard still lurks.

  “It’s no secret that family things get complicated,” he blurts.

  I tense. This could go sideways in a heartbeat.

  “But what I did to Havana was over the line.”

  “No argument here.” I fold my arms over my chest.

  “Just treat her right, okay? Shit, when you stepped in to stand up for her, I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. Maybe I am. Anyway, she seems happy, and she’s damn good at what she does. My brother’s still an asshole, but I’m proud of his little girl.”

  I hold my scowl a second more, and then extend a hand. We shake hands, and I nod. As Richard walks away, I exhale in an audible puff. Against all expectations an hour ago, we landed the deal.

  I stay on the ship until the last minute, watching the last passengers disembark. It’s nice to feel free again, to know those thirty-four people aren’t my concern anymore. Heels click on the deck, and I see Havana walking my way. Another gauzy sundress swishes against her thighs. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, highlighting her sharp cheekbones and pointed chin.

  Her broad smile shames the sun, but she’s still Business Havana, carrying a sheaf of final paperwork from the cruise line.

  “I personally checked everyone at the disembarkation gate,” she says. “Smooth Sail has officially left the boat. These are the signed copies of all receipts. Here’s the itemized bill to your room, by the way. You eat a lot of late night meals, Mr. Flourish. What’s been keeping you up nights?” She smirks, but her smile falls as she watches the stragglers on the docks. “It’s a shame all this didn’t get the contract though. I mean, I know you said that to Viv about a learning experience and all, but I hate losing. Even when the game is rigged against me.”

  I laugh, realizing Richard didn’t mention it to her. Probably out of shame. I pull her in for a last cruise ship kiss, bending her back with a dramatic dip. When I pull her upright, I tap her on the nose with the black folder.

  “Speaking of the contract, you’ll never guess what this is.”

  “No way.”


  “I just—how? Why did he change his mind? I didn’t even see him leave. I assumed I’d probably never see him again.”

  “The battle isn’t won or lost until it’s over. And it looks like we won.”

  If I thought her smile was bright before, it’s blinding now. She throws her arms around me and plants a noisy smack on my cheek.

  “Congratulations, boss. What now?”

  “That night you cursed Richard, I told him I wanted to offer you a job. This is me, officially asking you to come work with me. I know you’ve got a business that you’re proud of, but I’m willing to offer what it takes to get you on our team. ERH needs someone with your skills.” I bounce my eyebrows suggestively. “And I need your other skills.”

  She tilts her head to the side. “I don’t know.”

  My heart thuds to halt.

  “I’m going to need some convincing. How are the benefits?”

  “I’ve got a benefits package you won’t believe. Come here, take a look.”

  She falls into my arms again, and my kisses absorb her laughter.

  A Hawaii breeze lifts the gauzy curtains of an airy top floor suite of the newest ERH hotel. No corners cut, no cheap details. From the travel shampoo to the liquor cabinet, everything is the best we could find in understated elegance. Mahogany and granite, glass tile mosaics and gleaming chrome. This ultra-luxury boutique hotel is the first success story with Smooth Sail. We’re here for the grand opening, and its first cohort of guests are trickling in. It’s booked solid for a month, most of it part of the first travel package we’ve offered. I step through the curtains onto the balcony and stare down at the white Hawaiian sands. Tiny figures scurry over the beach from one end to the other, but a frenetic group below me catches my eye. A dark-haired man chases a trio of tanned children around an encampment of beach towels. It’s too far, but I imagine I can hear their squeals of laughter. Satisfaction spreads through me.

  The lock beeps, and I hear the door handle turn. Havana steps through, wearing a gauzy cotton top and fitted white capris. One look at her face tells me she’s in business mode, but I’ve got other plans. Her blunt bangs have grown out to frame her face, and she’s wearing it down. A stray lock slides over her shoulder and she tosses it back.

  “Jet, the first weekend numbers are here if you want to see them. The staff are doing great so far. A couple of snags, but nothing they can’t handle.” She squeals as I sweep her into my arms.

  I kiss her soundly, wordless with gratitude that she’s in my life.

  “Mmmm,” she purrs. “What’s got you in such a good mood?”

  “Look at this. Look at you. Right now it seems like every dream I ever had is coming true.”

  Her eyes go soft and she flips her shoes off with her toes. She lays her head against my chest as I carry her to the mahogany four-poster bed in the middle of the room. When I lay her in the center of the crisp white bedcover, her hair pools around her head in a dark halo. I pull my shirt over my head and lean down. Her eyes darken with lust, but she lets me take the lead. I unbutton her capris, drop a kiss under her navel, and hook fingers under the line of her panties.

  She gives this little hum of anticipation as I peel the tight pants down her thighs and over her manicured feet. My dick responds with a throb, and I take care of my slacks and boxers next. She eyes my thick cock greedily as it juts out.

  “Come here, sexy,” she says.

  I climb onto the bed and tug her shirt up. With a twist of my wrist, I trap her hands in the fabric, holding them over her head so I can appreciate the way she looks. Arms raised, the same way she looked the first time I saw those perfect breasts caged in a sheer lace bra. I graze one nipple with my teeth, and desire spears through me when it pebbles in my mouth. O
ne year together, and her body still responds eagerly at the first touch. As does mine at the first sight of her. Always.

  I release her hands and free her breasts, ready to feel all of her against me. My body covers part of hers, partially trapping her so I can stare a few more minutes. I trace the curve of her hip and skim a palm down her thigh. Her chin tilts up. Her eyes flutter closed. Watching pleasure on her face never gets old. She turns her head and meets my stare with clear eyes that shine with love. How did I get so lucky?

  I’m asking that question anew a few seconds later when she slithers out of my grip and wraps her lips around my balls. Her tongue writhes against me before moving up to the base of my shaft. She does these little sucking nibbles up the side. They drive me crazy, and she knows it. I groan and sit up to reach for her. She pulls away at first, then yields as I grab her leg and haul her pussy over my face. My head falls back as she spreads her legs over me. I kiss her inner thigh. She caresses my balls and blows across the head of my cock. I break the standoff first and wrap my arms around her ass to drag her to my mouth. I groan when the first sweet taste of her hits my tongue. At that precise moment, she covers me with her mouth. Pleasure zips along my nerve endings, and I can’t play this slow burn game of ours any longer. I thrust my tongue into her folds and up to her clit. She grinds her sex into my face while her mouth makes me forget my name. Her hand around the base of my cock pumps gently, and her lips and tongue circle the head. I’ve wanted her all day as we worked, and now I’m barreling toward a climax I thought I could make wait. I slide two fingers into her slit, and my cock jumps in her mouth as I realize how wet she is.

  She sucks me in, swallows my cock a little deeper, and teases gentle fingers under my balls.

  “Ah, fuck, Havana.” My fingers sink into the flesh of her ass. “I want you. I need to be in you.”